Oct 2024 - Ft. Myers FL - eCycleElectric has been involved in producing comprehensive and sometimes very targeted reports and studies of the electric bike industry since 1996. With the efforts of our many friends, associates and most importantly - Managing Director Dr. Jonathan Weinert, PhD - we create a valuable report, and sell it. The 2024 Version, which focuses on North America region, is now available.
Dr. Frank Jamerson, PhD, having retired from the automotive industry after a career that involved Ni-MH patents, sintered rare earth magnets, and GM’s EV1, and more, was intrigued enough by the early electric bike industry to start traveling, corresponding, and reporting on the e-bike world with “World Wide Electric Bike Reports” in 1994.
This became an annual publication, and was constantly expanding in terms of areas of interest and level of detail.
In 1996, Dr. Jamerson hired Ed Benjamin.
This collaboration, continued until Covid. (Dr. Jamerson stopped responding to attempts to contact him at that time, and any insight into his situation would be appreciated.)
From 1996 to 2019, EBWR was the standard “snap shot” and forecast of the industry. Today, that historical record survives in the office of eCE.
From 2019 to present, eCE has created reports on a client by client basis. Today, Dr. Weinert is the one in constant motion, networking, collecting info, and making friends.
An aspect of EBWR and other eCE reports has been estimations of the industry size. Our estimations and predictions have been, overall, quite accurate.
Over the last few years, we have continued our interest in the world markets, but have studied the USA market more and more closely.
The USA sources of information:
eCE studies import records, visits retail and distribution business, and discusses the USA market with major suppliers to the USA. Our contacts in the Asian supply chain are extensive.
NPD collects information from point of sale at brick and mortar retailers.
Networking is something that eCE participates in and analyzes.
There are reports and consulting companies that, from our view, pop up and usually last only a short time. Usually narrow in scope.
The Micro Mobility Report from Human Power Solutions, which has evolved from a human powered bicycle focus, is a valid source, and eCE often cooperates with them
Media, including bicycle industry media, can have useful articles. And the world media, such as Bike Europe, Wheel Giant, and others are worth monitoring and reading.
People for Bikes is a lobby group that has considerable insight into the state of the industry.
Electric Bikes and other micro mobility vehicles are important tools for the human race. And we are enjoying their contribution to our present, and bright future.